Category Archives: Projects

For Constructing Subjects

Because Nuclear Power Takes Away Our Being Alive From Us – A Communiqué for June 12th


Photo: Letter from H
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda stressed Friday that restarting the Oi nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture is crucial to meet the nation’s energy needs this summer and to ensure sustainable economic growth.
-via The Japan Times

Ever since that day in March 2011, many things in our everyday life have been taken away from us, especially from those who live under the rain of radiation. Continue reading Because Nuclear Power Takes Away Our Being Alive From Us – A Communiqué for June 12th

We too, We will go to Valognes


Original text in French CLICK HERE
(Scroll down for English translation)


タルナック 反カスター委員会

2011年11月21日月曜日 より。

福島、あれから八ヶ月たった。原子力の惨劇の後、「通常への回帰」はありえない。世界は新しい状況にある。支配的メディアが、人々に甘んじて受け入れる以外ないと言いつのる新しい被災の地理学である。福島の暴発のスペクタクルは、地球全土にライブストリームで報道された。貪る様に見入る観衆に一刻一刻と送り届けられる無内容なハイライトは、今日この破局の結末に関して完全な沈黙を命ずる論理に従っている。日本はこれまでに44基の原子炉を運転中止し、稼働しているのは10基のみであることを、東京では、人々は原子力の恩恵よりも停電を好むことを、誰が知っているだろう? Continue reading We too, We will go to Valognes

Communiqué for the 99%


Photo: Mlle.Ada

(original text in English below)


ここ最近の金融界/政治界のエンドゲームが限界に達するのと同時に、われわれは北アフリカ、中近東の革命、そしてヨーロッパや南米の反乱を目撃してきた。その間、極東では「福島3.11」が生起し、地球上の全生命活動にとっての終末的段階を示してきている。また今や合衆国全土にわたり、ニューヨークやその他無数の都市において人々による占拠(オキュペーション)が進行している。われわれは大衆蜂起と終末的危機――つまり地球的内戦の時局にある。 Continue reading Communiqué for the 99%

Statement for NYC General Assembly

<> endorse and support NYC General Assembly, occupying Zuccotti Park in Wall Street area at the moment. This is a great attempt
to establish a new form of social life and popular politics (anti-politics) and further spread the assembly to various neighborhoods.

<>は、現在ウォールストリート近くのズコッティ公園を占拠しているNYC General Assemblyを評価し支援する。


To Foreign Comrades



Hello to friends in overseas. This is Guru from Osaka.

It’s been almost two months since 3/11. While many emotions have mingled at the time of moving forward, I can finally write a letter now. Thanks to Marina and others, their letters greatly empowered me. Continue reading To Foreign Comrades

In the Streets We Become Cattle — Towards a theory of demonstrations


(Translation by Max Black)

This is not a mobile freak show. Those cameras and cell phones you’re showing off: what are their cold eyes pointing at? What are they asking? Continue reading In the Streets We Become Cattle — Towards a theory of demonstrations

Statement for June 11 — Todos Somos Japon

(Original text in English below)

6/11のための声明——われわれみなが日本である [Todos Somos Japon]!



われわれにとって、その結末が見えない福島の原子力災害は、誰も無視しえないことです。今現在そして今後も、無際限の歳月にわたり日本の大気と海域から放出され続けるセシウムとプルトニウムが、風と海流によってわれわれの元に届けられるのは時間の問題です。それと同様、恐るべきなのは、日本政府とわれわれの政府の対応です。三つの原子炉の溶解を目の当りにしながらも、日本の権力は、発電所近郊の住民を除いて、民衆を避難させることを拒否しています。そしてまた、愛国の名において、福島の野菜を消費することを人々に奨励し、 放射性物質の摂取量を健康基準の二十倍もつり上げています。最近(ある地域では)、専門家がすべきことであるという能書きで、母親たちが自ら子供達があずけられている保育所の放射能レベルを測定することを禁じていると聞きました。





  • 影響を受けているすべての地域の人々を避難させること。
  • 独立した監視員たちによって採取された信頼できる日々の情報を提供し、民衆に配布すること。
  • 身体的影響に関与するすべての出費を保証すること。
  • 立ち退かねばならなかった家、失った職と収入、使用不能になった公園や農場について、人々に賠償すること。


PDF (日本語)


Statement for June 11—Todos Somos Japon

Silvia Federici

It is with great regret that I cannot be with you, here today, to express in person my solidarity with the people of Japan and call for the shut down of all nuclear plants across the planet.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster, whose end is not in sight, is something none of us can afford to ignore. It is a matter of time before the winds and sea currents bring to us the  caesium and plutonium that now and for indefinite number of months to come will be released into the air and coastal waters of Japan. Equally worrisome have been the response of the Japanese government and our government as well to it. In the face of the meltdown of three nuclear reactors, the Japanese authorities have refused to evacuate the people affected except in the immediate vicinity of the plants. They have urged the population to continue to consume vegetables produced near Fukushima, arguing it is a patriotic act. They have raised by 20 times the amount of radiation deemed acceptable by health standards. In recent days, they have even forbidden mothers from directly monitoring radiation levels at the children’s schools stating it is a job for experts.

We protest this blatant disregard for the wellbeing of the population in the Fukushima area who must now live with the anguish of knowing that all they touch and breath may be contaminated. But has our government fared better?

Fast on the heels of reports testifying to the immensity of the catastrophe have come the reassurances that nuclear power is here to stay, that no alternatives exist to it, and disaster can be a learning experience. Nothing, it seems, can dissuade this government from its decision to contribute –with 30 billion dollars– to the planned proliferation of nuclear plants in this country. Our economy –we are told— depends on it –whatever the cost for our lives.

But we know this is far from the truth. An electoral set back was sufficient to convince Angela Merkel to announce the closures of all nuclear plants within the next three years in Germany –as people there, immediately after the news of the Fukushima explosion circulated, went to the streets, and later, through their votes, made it clear that they would no longer accept to live with the threat nuclear catastrophe over their heads.

We need to send the same message, building a strong movement capable of standing up to the nuclear industry and the cohorts of politicians whose electoral campaigns depend on it. Meanwhile let us put pressure on the Japanese government and the nuclear industry, which is responsible for the disaster, to force them to do what they should have done immediately after the reactors’ explosions.

  • Evacuate all the people in the areas affected.
  • Provide day to day reliable information, gathered by independent monitors and widely distributed to the population.
  • Cover all health related expenses.
  • Compensate people for the houses they must vacate, the jobs and income lost, the parks and gardens turned forever into wastelands.

In conclusion, our thoughts should go especially to the women of Japan who, we are told, are those who are most strongly opposed to the government propaganda about patriotism and sacrifice. We understand they are struggling to resist this suicidal logic, which demands their families consume radioactive products to show the world that all is well in this country and a nuclear disaster is something we can live with. Their struggle is our struggle and their resistance needs our support.

PDF (English)

A Direct Appeal

Editor’s note:
“A Direct Appeal” by Committee for De-Nuke Domestic Strike is now deleted from the J-fissures, due to the author’s wish to further develop the grounds for this argument.
July 1, 2011

A Request from a Japanese Activist

A Request from a Japanese Activist

Todos Somos Japon

A Japanese activist Shiro Yabu has sent us a request for foreign comrades:

Now what we are in desperate need in Tokyo is concrete data of radioactive contamination. We will have to measure and publicize the radiation of the soil at every park and public spaces where children play. The emission of radiation is uneven and there are supposed to be high spots that are affected more than others. Neither the state nor the Tokyo municipal government are responsible enough to measure and detect them. They offer only one monitoring spot in Tokyo and do not measure contamination in soil at all. The real issue is especially the radiation of sandboxes in parks. So we must acquire data by ourselves and press local governments to take necessary measures.

What we want at the moment is a possible method to measure radiation and necessary equipment. In Japan a Geiger Counter can be purchased for approx. 50,000 yen, but they are mostly sold out. It is said that they won’t be back in market before the late May. If any of you have technique and equipment that you can share, please send them to us in the form of information and goods.







支援してくださるという方は、INFO <AT> JFISSURES.ORG (<AT>をアットマークに代える)までメールをお送りください。

Notes for Strike

Notes for Strike

The Committee for De-Nuke Domestic Strike

The Concept of family is gradually rising on the surface to backup recovery of the nation after the disaster. That is, for serving as a bearer of reproduction of the next generation.

It is not only the nation-state that brings up the concept of family, especially the existence of mother. In Being a Lesbian (Kawade Schobo Shinsha: 1992), the author Hiroko Kakefuda questions the position of mothers, who played a pivotal role for the upsurge of anti-nuke movements at the end of the 80s. Women stood in solidarity under the shared sense of reality to “bearing and bringing up lives [of children].” But the issue here is that this sense of reality is to lump together all women as the sex unequivocally with potential to become mothers. There’s no need to reassure that some women give births and others do not. If mothering is taken as a premise of being a woman, it will create a rupture between the women who participate in reproduction and others who do not, and the rupture will only glare. On top of it, phrases like “good mother” and “good wife” can easily become targets of abuse by the national policy, as histories of other nations have proven to us. At least, this concept will work in favor of advertisement firms. For they are the proxies speaking on behalf of the national interest right now. Continue reading Notes for Strike