Category Archives: Projects

For Constructing Subjects

Statement from Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)

(Original text in English below)


日本を襲った3月11日に地震と津波によって、二万人以上の方々が亡くなり、数十万人の人々が住処を無くされました。それに加えて、日本の皆さんは原子爆 発と放射線飛散の危機に直面しています。通常そうであるように、労働者大衆こそが、これらの災害の前線に立ち、かつ事後処理に携わっています。原子力によ る大惨事を避ける為に命をかけているのも彼/彼女らです。世界産業労働組合(IWW)は、日本の全人民、そしてことにフリーター全般労組の同志たちと共に 連帯します。われわれは全ての成員に、日本の労働者を支援するために、必要な行動をおこすべきだと呼びかけています。



Over 20,000 people have died and hundreds of thousands more left homeless from the March 11th earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. On top of that the Japanese are facing a potential nuclear disaster, and radiation leak. As is often the case, working people are on the front line of these disasters and the aftermath, many risking their lives to stave off nuclear catastrophe. The Industrial Workers of the World stand in solidarity with all of the Japanese people, and our comrades in the Freeters Union in particular. We urge our members to do whatever is needed to support our Japanese fellow workers.

Industrial Workers of the World

Return Leo! Return Our Fellows of Kamagasaki!

(Original text in Japanese below)

4/5 Great Oppression is Inadmissible!
Return Leo! Return Our Fellows of Kamagasaki!

At 19:00 pm on April 10th, a documentary filmmaker Leo Satoh was unlawfully arrested at a polling station in Nishinari District of Osaka. The details are as follows:

At around 18:00 pm, several dozens of people including Leo were walking down the street and calling out to the passersby for going to vote. Thereafter he went to the polling station to vote himself, but when he finished his ballot, he was grabbed by six to seven policemen and forcibly taken away. Continue reading Return Leo! Return Our Fellows of Kamagasaki!

Manifest for De-Nuke University General Strike


Manifest for De-Nuke University General Strike

To all students and faculties — Go for a de-nuke university general strike!

A month has passed since the earthquake. It seems as if everyday life has returned. It is said that recovery has been set out in the stricken areas. The worst situation is over; things will be the way they were, only if we watch calmly. It is cherry blossom season, too.

But we all know that these are sheer lies; that our everyday life that looks smooth has lost all bases. Continue reading Manifest for De-Nuke University General Strike

Todos Somos Japon – New Global Association

What is going on in Japan at this moment, especially concerning people’s agony and struggle, is not merely a situation particular to the nation-state in the Far East, but a new phase of human history. It embodies a new form of managing catastrophe and an unprecedented opening of history, which could lead to almost any possible path: i.e., beginning of the end of humanity, advent of a global regime of atomic capitalism, or the moment for the people to end capitalist/nation/state by building a new planetary association.

While the Japanese government is seeking desperately to sustain its sovereignty, it is revealing its incapacity to solve the problems of refugees and nuclear disaster by itself, and in addition the national economy is falling into the abyss. Meanwhile the people are beginning to mobilize for de-nuke actions, that which involve innumerable other issues and themes: labor, everyday life (reproduction), anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, refugees’ commune building (…). But many of us in Japan and elsewhere feel that the struggles might last indefinitely toward the unknown future, as the calamity is expected to last unforeseeable length of time. The situation in Japan has unfortunately opened the door for a new phase of global class struggle under the unprecedentedly difficult conditions.

Accordingly, what Japan signifies has shifted radically from an advanced and well-managed capitalist/nation/state to an ominous symbol for the self-destruction of the apparatuses and planetary radiation. Thus the resident foreigners are leaving the country; travellers avoid visiting it; it will be harder and harder for the Japanese people to travel abroad and Japanese products to be exported. In this climate, we expect a coming isolation and enclosure of the far eastern archipelago in the global context.

Todos Somos Japon is a project of network building, of creating a current in and out of Japan, to support Japanese activists and movements and for a new association of the struggling people of the world.

The task is two fold:

  1. Establish a network of oppositional movements, progressive institutions of various domains (academic, artistic, cultural, social and environmental), and radical individuals, who would accept Japanese personnel and have them stay for a certain period of time, for the purpose of education, common research, and resource sharing. Also encourage foreign activists, scholars, and artists to visit Japan, more than ever, by creating the infra-structure of movements and institutions to host them.
  2. Organize a series of global de-nuke action in consideration of the thorough implication of the nuclear disaster, which includes all other aspects of being in the world concerning human survival and constructing a better world, as we are anxiously observing at the moment and will be affected more or less, sooner or later.

To stay in touch with us, please sign up your email at the column on the right upper side of this page.


To All the Working People – Call for De-Nuke General strike


Original Text HERE

To All the Working People – Call for De-Nuke General strike

I can’t cope OH OH I can’t cope, Anymore ……

On behalf of students, informal workers and the status-less of the world, we call for a general strike, an immediate suspension of all labor, demanding immediate termination of all the nuclear power plants and abandonment of all the atomic weaponry productions. Continue reading To All the Working People – Call for De-Nuke General strike

Call for a New Campaign to Build Refugees’ Commune


Original Text HERE

There is no need for much phrasing about the devastating damages and tragedies caused by the earthquake of 3/11, as well as the coming catastrophic situation. At this moment, we, the coalition of self-support groups of homeless and underclass workers in Sanya, the vicinity closest to the stricken areas in the north within Tokyo metropolitan district, consider the situation as un-ignorable and will begin a new campaign to support refugees. Herein are three tasks for the struggle: Continue reading Call for a New Campaign to Build Refugees’ Commune

Kill No One: Statement On the Fukushima Nuclear Accident


Original text HERE

“Unexpected Situation” is the phrase repeatedly used to rationalize deaths of tens of thousands of people caused by the recent disaster. This man-made calamity, I repeat, the worst man-made calamity is being rationalized with the single phrase, which still leaves hundreds of thousands individuals exposed to radiation and millions’ livelihoods destroyed.The current state was never unexpected. Continue reading Kill No One: Statement On the Fukushima Nuclear Accident